Oranges in dream. To dream of Oranges

Miller's dream book
Oranges in dream
  • Seeing a number of orange trees in a healthy condition, bearing ripe fruit, is a sign of health and prosperous surroundings.
  • To eat oranges is signally bad. Sickness of friends or relatives will be a source of worry to you. Dissatisfaction will pervade the atmosphere in business circles. If they are fine and well-flavored, there will be a slight abatement of ill luck. A young woman is likely to lose her lover, if she dreams of eating oranges. If she dreams of seeing a fine one pitched up high, she will be discreet in choosing a husband from many lovers.
  • To slip on an orange peel, foretells the death of a relative.
  • To buy oranges at your wife's solicitation, and she eats them, denotes that unpleasant complications will resolve themselves into profit.



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