Book of Changes (I Ching)
Definitely The Book of Changes is one of the best services of Junona web site. I-Ching readings application is our pride. Since 2005 this magic tool has been used by millions of users to resolve life issues and to do correct choice.
The I-Ching has nothing to do with "fortune telling." It is concerned with human development and self-knowledge, with understanding first of all the dynamics in any situation and then what consequent actions might be appropriate, even when the action advised is most difficult or may go against the wishes or hopes of the enquirer. Sometimes the answer the oracle offers is not what you want to hear, but over time, you realize it is always right. Often the changing lines lay out the consequences of different types of action possible in any situation. The I-Ching is, unquestionably, one of the greatest works of philosophy in the history of the human race, a unique representation of how the great forces of the cosmos interrelate with a human life as we encounter continuous change. It's timeless, and regardless of how human society seems to progress and change on the outside, the oracle remains relevant and of inestimable value to what goes on within us.
To ask oracle just focus on your question. Press "ASK YOUR QUESTION" button and throw coins virtually six times pressing "THROW COINS VIRTUALLY" button. As a result you will see hexagram(s). Detailed interpretation you can read pressing "READ INTERPRETATION" button

( translated by Richard Wilhelm and Cary F. Baynes)