Knife in dream. To dream of Knife

Miller's dream book
To dream of Knife
  • To dream of a knife is bad for the dreamer, as it portends separation and quarrels, and losses in affairs of a business character.
  • To see rusty knives, means dissatisfaction, and complaints of those in the home, and separation of lovers.
  • Sharp knives and highly polished, denotes worry. Foes are ever surrounding you.
  • Broken knives, denotes defeat whatever the pursuit, whether in love or business.
  • To dream that you are wounded with a knife, foretells domestic troubles, in which disobedient children will figure largely. To the unmarried, it denotes that disgrace may follow.
  • To dream that you stab another with a knife, denotes baseness of character, and you should strive to cultivate a higher sense of right.

Knife Grinder
  • To dream of a knife grinder, foretells unwarrantable liberties will be taken with your possessions. For a woman, this omens unhappy unions and much drudgery.



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