Today intuition is activated. Possible insights and prophecies. Day is perfect for mental labor, working with words, sounds, for spiritual pursuits, meditation because the unique information is perceived by intuitive feeling. If you want to contact with any person important to you, you can try to do it at a distance. Just tell him to mind what you want to say. It is possible that he will feel it. Also today, you have an unique opportunity to feel very subtly of your partner. To do this you should try to understand him, to feel what he lives, what he thinks and feels. Today you can do it! And you can feel the prospects of relations with him. If you want to solve some mystery, or find a solution to any problem, just listen today to your inner voice - the response can be obtained! Be in the quiescent state without fuss to hear your intuition.
Do not scurry, otherwise miss out on something important.